Friday, September 10, 2010

Sleep... the most moronic fraternity in the world, with the heaviest dues and the crudest rituals.  ~Vladimir Nabokov

Holy crap! Check this out! Ran the Garmin all night while I slept. Looks like there were a few moments of no data.... NO DATA! WTF MAN! Did I flatline??? ;)

(click to zoom in)

One can see definite zones such as the mess at 1:55 to 2:25. Plus a bunch of weird spikes. The spikes at the end are the 7 minute intervals between my snooze button! Everytime my alarm goes off my heartrate goes to 80-85 BPM from 55 BPM!!! This cannot be good!

I wonder what those other spikes are? Perhaps rolling around? Or thoughts?? I was originally going to joke and scribble "Angelina Jolie" and arrow to a spike or two LOL

Interesting stuff for sure!


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