Today Mini-Brock and The Dude braved the North Texas heat and visited The Bat Dojo outside (my back yard...the BatYard???)
I had IM'd Mini-Brock earlier today and he said something about, "Never doing cardio blah blah blah...".
My response and I quote, "oh i have big plans...painful plans...explosive lung plans"
His exact response,"'s always like a painful surprise"
A final terse reply of, "Yes :)" (that should have been an evil, nasty devil grin with teeth gnashing and slobber spewing, but I'm not quite sure how to spell that in emoticon... I may need a new keyboard, keyed in a pseudo Alien dialect in which I have to lay face down on the device and dry hump it until my emoticon is formed.)
Back to the task at hand. Today's festivities has no name. It just sucks. Lots of running, lots carrying stuff while running and lots of cursing. The basic course is a star shape with some sort of flattened umlaut over it's head. The looks on the faces of my two comrades was of total disbelief and confusion of the task today. Hysterical!
Here's what we did:
Starting in the center. Marked by a chewed up frisbee thingy.
1. Run your ass to the tire. 30 ft.
2. Drag the tire and your posterior to the sledgehammer. (100 ft ish)
3. Hit the stupid tire 20 times (10 left, 10 right).
4. Drag the tire back (don't forget to bring your ass).
5. Run back to the frisbee thingy.
6. Run 60ft to the blue 10lb mini ball.
7. Smash it in to the ground 20 times.
8. Carrying it, run back the frisbee and drop it off.
9. Run to the ghetto Bulgarian Bag. (30ft)
10. Swing it 360 degrees vertically, with arms somewhat straight. 10 times left, 10 times right.
11. Run back, carrying that stupid thing and drop it onto the frisbee thingy.
12. Run to the kettle ball. (20ft)
13. Do 10 left and 10 right kettleball swings.
14. Carry it back and drop it off.
15. Run to the 24lb plate. (30ft)
16. Do 1980's styled aerobic, jumping jacks with it...20.
17. Run back, yes bring the plate too...
18. Run off and pick up the 40lb big fat Atlas ball. I love that thing. Bring it back to the frisbee. (40ft)
19. Now undo everything you just did, without the auxiliary exercises.
20. Run the miniball back, sprint back to center.
21. Run the ghetto bag back.
22. Run the kettle ball back.
23. Run the plate back.
24. Run the Atlas ball back.
25. Finish by running back over the frisbee thingy!
Good grief, this was tough! Average times were right at 7 minutes. No one hurled, but we all felt like it. The heat mixed with sprinting, then lifting and swinging was a perfect combination for some oral spewage. I'm not sure if anyone noticed that my Offspring t-shirt had an appropriate slogan on it which read,"shit is f****d up tour". Perfect. :)
This shot is titled, "The Faces of Uncertainty and Fear"
Tire Dragging
Tire Smashing
Bag Flinging
The End
p.s. I don't know if you guys know this, but you can click on the images for bigger versions!